Well I talk about the day, yes halloween day!
In this Monday you haven't got class, good!!
Me an my class-friends haven't got class too!
I write a little text about all santis (halloween).
The day is on 31 of October, this year is Sunday.
Halloween is a tradicion in England.
In Galicia halloween is "Samain" and its creators were the Celts.
In this day is usually the phrase "Trick or treat" and the people give sweets and eggs, but you don't give the sweets or the eggs and they punish you.
Care, because they will come dressed in monster costumes!
It's traditional to decorate the house with lights(like Christmas, but more monstrous),with pumpkins.
Prepare a party with foot with diffrent forms: pumpkins, bats, witchs, black cats, spiders, and more...
The games are: dancing (with a very monstrous music), a apple game (you have to catch an apple with mouth), other apple game (you tie an apple and hang up, try to bite the apple, and the winner is the first to get it), decorated our pumpkins with a knife you cut above the pumpkin and open, make the eyes, the mouth, the nose...
Is a very important tradicion because, is when the dead return to earth to scare those who are still alive.
The traditional colors that day are black and orange, because the black is the color of the deads and the orange color represents the final harvest of the farmers.
You have an other information in this page: (click here) thanks for see my post!